FROM THE AZORESBride, Faithless Wife, Widow, and Jlgain Betrothed
Within the Brief Space of a Week.
Victorino Viaera.THE Portuguese colony is In the throes of a romantic scandal. Down at
the Lisbon House— headquarters of the Portugal natives — they are discussing the pros and cons of the story between drinks, dropping a
kindly tear for the poor suicide husband and chastising with Azore-manufactured profanity the faithless wife.
At the Lisbon House drinks prevail from sunrise to the break of the succeeding day, and the language of the Islanders is prolific of opprobrious epithet. Consequently no phase of the sad story Is left uncared for, no guilty party to the scandal is spared.
On Saturday last Filomena Leonora Mideiros, a Portuguese belle, from the fair and distant island of Fayal, landed in this city. On Tuesday Vic torino Viaera, the man, who, by reason of a contract wedding, solemnized according to the laws of Portugal, considered himself her husband, claimed the fair Filomena for his own. Two days later Filomena came to the unhappy conclusion that Victorino was not hnr affinity and that the mischievous little god destined her for Manuel Marianno dos Santos— a fact she took no pains to conceal from her husband.
Friday Victorino returned to his home In Palo Alto hea.vy-hearted and alone. The sight of the pretty little cottage, newly furnished ajid all ready to receive its recreant mistress, maddened the unfortunate husband, and on the evening of the same day, by means of a razor and a noose, he put an end to his unhappy life.
Filomena refused to go to the obsequies, and made use of her recovered freedom to flirt more desperately than ever with Manuel. Wednesday last the lover's holiday came to an end, and he returned to Pinole, where he Is employed as a laborer by Bernard, a wealthy rancher. Immediately upon his absence the fickle maid from the Azores turned her dark eyes in the direction of Jo Silva, and when, yesterday, a message came from Manuel offering the damsel a place as domestic on the Bernard ranch, Mrs. Viaera announced her engagement to Silva, and with him left for Stockton, where the latest favored lover is engaged in sheep herding.
The capacities of the Filomena heart have aroused the deepest antagonism In the Portuguese colony. The fate of poor Viaer^rls" universally deplored, and the woman, without a single exception, is roundly censured.
The money that brought Filomena to this city was sent by Victorino, who, during nine years of residence on this coast, uninterruptedly shared his savings with the girl towhom he was betrothed since childhood days.
Filomena met Marhiel Santos on the journey that was to land her near her husband. Santos was returning from Fayal, where he had been to visit his wife, who is an inmate of an aßylum for the insane. Immediately upon their arrival here the Intimacy of the couple was the cause of scandal. The preferment of the woman for Santos was openly proclaimed. Friday last, previous to Victor's return to Palo Alto, his wife and he had words, in which Madam Victor was heard to declare that the man to whom she was bound was not the man who could support her in the fashion she desired, and when the spurned husband left It was with the demand of his wife ringing in his ears, a demand that he transfer his hard-earned savings to her. Viaera was employed by J. A. Bowlevare as a farm laborer, and his employer, as well as all the people of Palo Alto, have nothing but the kindest words with which to speak of the unhappy ending of a well-spent life. The poor suicide's only relative here is an uncle, Frank J. Silva, a passenger
agent for the Southern Pacific.
I happen to live in the San Francisco Bay area, and I find it fascinating that some of the cities I frequent here are mentioned in the article...Palo Alto, Stockton, etc...Boy if they could see the area now...and hear the gossip now...
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