Showing posts with label Ladies Hose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ladies Hose. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Cary Grant, A Royal Topsy Turvy Standard and a Pre-Pantyhose token!

I love this romantic Royal Standard "Keepsake" pattern. Aside from the lovely white rose with its pink center, it has a wide border of white lace on black...very unusual and absolutely delicate! Take a closer look and read more about it and click on the link above.

Also very romantic is Cary Grant! I have listed in my store this damaged copy (only the 1st 16 pages of its 83 pages), of "Screen Romances" dated 1939! Water damage has hit it but all is very readable and ...well see for yourself, and open the link and check it out. Read about the bias in the advertising...the advertising in the magazine makes it worth the $ and the read themselves. Our Mothers had a hard line to toe to counter act the degradation that was imposed on them via advertising and social standards in the 30's. 40's.

Just for kicks, I am also selling this package of 100%
Cotton Ladies Hose or StockingsOPEN LINK! that are vintage 50's! I got them at an estate sale and they were in a room chock full of beautiful lingerie and linens all vintage 40's 50's I was in heaven. I decided I would get these as a reminder of the pre-panty hose era.

As a special treat I wanted to share with you fabulously creative site of a throw back vintage millinery called Topsy Turvy Designs. The designer, Kim Brown, of these fabulously creative hats, that are worn by celebrities and featured in many magazines, has permitted me to share with you her album. But the website alone is a treat to view as well. So I will just simply link your here: Topsy Turvy Designs OPEN LINK! I love the rich theatrical flavors both in the site as well as the designs. I met her on FaceBook and have enjoyed her posts so much that I just had to share with you. The styles, while new, definitley have vintage, renaissance, & gothic flavors. Enjoy!

Adults are always asking kids what they want to be when they grow up because they are looking for ideas. ~ Paula Poundstone
